This is my second STEAM action project for Biomimicry. I was told to create a hous that is based on an animal of my choice, so I chose the Mudpuppy and the Mexican Lance Headed Rattlesnake. When I took pictures of my poster I had trouble getting a specific view on the pieces I wanted to show in a picture. I also had trouble scanning all my pictures in a scanner because I couldn't make the colors dark enough and it would mess up. Overall I liked this project. I got to see my animals in real life at the zoo which was my favorite part of this unit.
- The Mudpuppy is an amphibian
- It has external gills which is rare
- It is protective of it's eggs which is rare
- It spends most of it's time on land
Mexican Lance-Headed Rattlesnake
- It's brown with even darker brown spots
- It's fangs are longer than an average rattle snake
- It has diamond shaped sscales
Habitat and Adaptions
The Mudpuppy (or Necturus maculosuslives), A.K.A. Waterdog, in the central timezone, North and South in fresh water sources. Of course the there are different biomes for each half of America. So the upper side of the mississippi river for example is in the the side of the U.S., therefore it freezes in that area a lot. Unlike it’s counterpart the lower side of the mississippi river is a lot warmer and doesn’t freeze due to its high temperatures. In the cold example I added insulation to my mobile home, which is how the Mudpuppy uses it’s fat. In the South they don’t have to worry about the cold as much and they are able to swim freely and bask in the sun. There is also different terrains in both halves of the U.S. In the Northern side there is a lot more underwater cliffs, while the South is more flat . Thats where my all terrain aspect comes in and it can move on different surfaces. There are other sources of water that the Mudpuppy uses, this is just only one of many of the habitats it lives in.
Sources Cited
"Mexican Lance-headed Rattlesnake - Detroit Zoo." Detroit Zoo. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.
"Mudpuppies, Mudpuppy Pictures, Mudpuppy Facts - National Geographic." National Geographic. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.
"Critter Catalog." BioKIDS. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.
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