Monday, May 22, 2017

How to Betray Tooth Decay

This is my second action project for my class called “Cure”. In this unit we learned about different types of drugs, what differs between both over the counter and prescription, and we learned about remedies and saw how each affected each other.. For this action project, I created a medicine box with a symptom that had three different ways of treatment on it to demonstrate my knowledge of medicine. My favorite part of making this action project was physically making the box because doing all the research took a lot longer than I wanted it to. The biggest problem I had while making this project was finding the information, because the symptom I chose was not really good for the type of questions I had, and there wasn’t really a lot of information or history on it. I eventually was able to come up with enough information on the transplant to be able to finish my AP.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Cafe, the Play

This is my first ap for Drama.


Cafe De Romans. People are in the cafe talking.  
             The audience sees Paul sitting down drinking coffee.  Door opens. You see Michelle walk in.  Door closes with a soft bang.  She goes up to the counter to order coffee. Michelle looks around to see if a spot is open.  Nora walks in and orders coffee.

Nora:   Michelle, is that you? Wow! I have not seen you in forever.

Michelle:  Oh wow, hey, Nora how are you?

Paul:  Michelle, Nora, wow, what a small world.

(Michelle and Nora recognize Paul and go over to him)

Michelle:  Hey Paul.  I am doing a campaign and wanted to know, since you guys are here,  what you thought of it.

Paul:  Sure (Nora looks with hesitation but agrees to do so.)
End of scene 1

Scene 2 starts

         Scene starts out looking at the door where you can see there is thunder.

Then you see Paul, Michelle and Nora sitting down drinking coffee.

             Michelle pulls out some papers and hands them to Paul and Nora.


                       It is about if men and women should have different roles in society but have to same benefits to the same jobs. I think men and woman should have the same roles in society of course because we've been working towards equip rights already.


                       You know I agree with you
I strongly agree with Michelle for many reasons. I believe in equality and Michelle brings up prime examples of ways we can make everyone equal.


                        Well I kind of don’t agree with you guys

              (Nora says while moving her coffee cup around the table)


                        Why don’t you agree with it. I accustomed that you would have.

          (Cut to door rain has stopped)

Nora was not saying anything for a little bit, but then.




  I think men should have a higher job than us, well that's what my husband says.

Your husband sounds wicked.


That does not explain why you don’t want men and women to be equal.



Michelle is right

Why are you guys disagreeing with me. I am right. Why are you speaking nonsense.

              (Nora shoots them a look)

          (Nora looked up at the ceiling, then back down.)


              Nora handing the paper back to Michelle


                        You are not even going to take a look at my campaign?
(Nora shoving the papers back to Michelle)

Yea, I mean men and women should have the same benefits and be equal but not the same jobs.

Why are you guys against me, why.

(She says while pacing around)

Nora I have patience for you don’t get mad. We are not against you but men and women should have to same jobs.

Yea but it causes conflict.


Paul and Michelle disagree with Nora

I am done with you guys! Don’t you see