Friday, April 28, 2017

Penis Transplant

This is my first action project for my class called “Cure”. In this unit we learned about different types of surgeries, the cells involved in some of those surgeries, and how we use them to help people in the world today compared to how we used to use surgery. For this action project, I created a “Prezi” about a surgery of my choice and explained different aspects of why you would get the surgery and how it’s done. My favorite part of making this action project was telling people about the surgery because the surgery I chose made people squirm when I explained how it was done. The biggest problem I had while making this project was finding some of the information because the surgery I chose was pretty recent and there wasn’t really a lot of information or history on it. I eventually was able to come up with enough information on the transplant to be able to finish my AP.

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