Sunday, September 25, 2016

Backwards Earth

This is my first action project for my “Stories” class. This unit was about different stories on how earth could’ve began. For this action project I created my own etiology for a planet and society I created. The way I made my story was just by writing it down. My favorite part of this project was making the drawing the planet that I created because I like using google drawings for my action projects.I struggled with working on my action project, because the week I started working on it I broke my toe which meant I had to go to appointments to get it checked on, which gave me less time to work on it. All I did was work extra hard at night, and I took advantage of class time to work on it. I eventually finished it though.

MJF(2016)Backwards Earth 

In a parallel universe I created a refined planet called, “Backwards Earth”. Ther
e are some small noticeable differences about this world. It is a fairly small peaceful place where there was no need to kill. It is green and blue looking from space and it is mostly made up of plants and water. There are only 4 billion people in the world since the planet is so small. Since these people can photosynthesize, humans haven’t endangered any animals for eating purposes. Now the humans can enjoy Dodo Birds, Mammoths, etc, on a daily basis. Now that you have an idea of how this world looks, I can tell you how it began.

It all began when I decided to make a better copy of earth. The first thing I did was take part of the earth's core and put it in another universe so it could grow into a similar planet. Next I took some water from your planet and put it on Backwards Earth so the humans there could drink. And one it grew I took the worst thing about humans and changed it to something much better. All I did was get rid of the human’s need to eat, and gave them photosynthesis instead. Animals can now roam free without the risk of being endangered, and there is no wars that are food or land related. Now everyone living there can feel felicity.

The humans have some similarities to the humans on your planet, but there are some striking differences about them. For example, the skin on the humans here are a bright green color because it helps them photosynthesize. They also have no teeth since they don’t need to eat, but they still have a tongue to help them communicate. They also don’t need to sleep since they get all of their energy from the sun. Since they don’t sleep I decided to give Backwards earth two suns so it could be day time all the time. This process made the humans much larger than earthlings.

The humans give interesting input to their planet. For example, they created a transportation system to move quickly, but they soon saw what was happening to their planet with global warming. This made them get rid of their transportation and decided to practice walking and running. They also use non-energy consuming vehicles, like bikes and roller skates. Since there aren’t any cars the world is inviolate of getting hit by a vehicle. The humans used to use nonrenewable sources of energy but they saw how bad it was for their planet. Now they take advantage having two suns by using solar energy instead of any nonrenewable energy sources like coal or oil. This means that they have a large amount of solar panels everywhere, and it has become a earth friendly style of living.

The humans here also have a very creative mind. For example, they decided that the best way to settle law with bottle flips. Basically this means that if you wanted to get away with murder, you would have to be able to throw a bottle and land it every time. It is described to be as intense as a bear attack. Others say that it’s scarier than hell to experience. I didn’t really understand why they decided to settle law this way, but they said it was one of the most unbiased way to settle law. People on this planet are abjected when they fail the bottle flip arguments. The abysmal people who don’t believe in their way to solve their issues are punished

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sistrurus catenatus

This is my first action project for my population class. This unit was about the taxonomy of animals and learning how to classify a species. For this action project I chose an animal at the Lincoln Park Zoo, I compared it to other animals, and taxonomized it. The animal I chose was the Massasauga Rattlesnake or Sistrurus catenatus. I also made a collage of the rattlesnake and turned it into a GIF, to help show the taxonomy of the rattlesnake. My favorite part of this project was seeing all the other colleges that other classmates made.The biggest problem I had while making this project was that I broke my toe around the time we started the project and I had a day less to work on it. I ended up working all night to make sure that it would be finished on time, and I think it turned out pretty well.

S. catenatusSt. Louis Zoo(2016)

The animals that I compared to the Rattlesnake was MN's animal (the Eurasian Lynx) and AA's animal (the Gorilla). I noticed that it was easier to compare the Rattlesnake to the Lynx, than it was the Rattlesnake to the Gorilla. I put all the information into a Venn Diagram below.

Untitled drawing.jpg
                                         Comparison, MJF (2016)

Underneath I made some statements to compare and contrast using Set Theory language and then translated them into english so it’s easier to understand.

Let R=reptiles, S=Mammals, C=Cold Blooded, M= Massasauga Rattlesnake,L= Lynx, G= Gorilla

M ∈ {R}

Massasauga Rattlesnake is an element of Reptiles

R ∈ {C} ∴ M ∈ {C}

Reptiles are an element of Cold Blooded therefore Massasauga Rattlesnakes are an element of Cold Blooded

Being cold blooded is true for all reptiles
There are two elements in the set of Mammals
P(C) {{R}}
The subset of Cold Blooded is Reptiles

g ∈ Rc∩Cc∩S

Gorilla is an element of not reptiles or coldblooded but is an element of mammals

Works Cited

Michigan. "You Are HereDNR Wildlife & Habitat Wildlife Species Amphibians & Reptiles." DNR. State Of Michigan, n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.

Arcsin. "Sistrurus Catenatus." Massasauga Classification. Bioweb, n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.