Friday, November 20, 2015

Aquilegia Canadensis

In this class we learn how we use plants to help solve human problems. For my first action project I was told to choose a problem in the world that relates to me and find a plant that solves that problem. My problem was that I sometimes get too hot or too cold at night. To fix this problem I designed a sleeping bag after the Aquilegia Canadensis (Eastern Red Columbine). I think I designed my sleeping bag pretty well to solve my problem as well as making a connection with my plant. When we first started our projects I could find a plant that has the same problem that I have. Luckily, through a lot of research I was able able to find the perfect plant. When I found my plant I was pretty excited because there was actually a lot of background information about my plant that had to do with native americans. Please enjoy my slideshow below.

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