Sunday, November 22, 2015

W and U

In this STEAM elective course, we learn about making products with present day machines.. We look at technology being used today to create products quickly, as well as the math and science concepts that allow these machines to work. In this Unit I learned about a lot, like geometry, number lines, angles, etc.To create projects we used three CNC machines - A Cameo cutting machine, a Carvey router, and a  3D printer. We make projects using technology from before our time as well as to using these new technological machines. My project is to make two letters in the english alphabet using specified materials. My letters  are “w” and “u”. I had to make two versions of each letter - one being handmade, and the other made by machine. To learn more about my roject look at my slideshow below.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Aquilegia Canadensis

In this class we learn how we use plants to help solve human problems. For my first action project I was told to choose a problem in the world that relates to me and find a plant that solves that problem. My problem was that I sometimes get too hot or too cold at night. To fix this problem I designed a sleeping bag after the Aquilegia Canadensis (Eastern Red Columbine). I think I designed my sleeping bag pretty well to solve my problem as well as making a connection with my plant. When we first started our projects I could find a plant that has the same problem that I have. Luckily, through a lot of research I was able able to find the perfect plant. When I found my plant I was pretty excited because there was actually a lot of background information about my plant that had to do with native americans. Please enjoy my slideshow below.