Friday, March 31, 2017


This is my only action project for my class called Mix Tapes. In this class we learned about different types of ways music has spread throughout the world and how it affects people today. For this action project, I created a mixtape and made a podcast that talked about how that music fit into a mixtape and what links the music together. My favorite part of making this action project was listening to the music that seemed to have no connection but still being able to find the way they have a similarity. The biggest problem I had while making this project was trying to finish my action project in the time that we were given. The problem I had was that we had three field experiences that took up all of class the same week that we started working on it in class. I eventually was able to spend a couple of long nights working on it and end up finishing it on the due date.

I’m a pretty random person who likes music that makes fun of things. For example I like parodies which make fun of the original song. I want my strong emotions to show up in my mix tape. The world around me is filled with music. It's also filled with rules that restrict certain types of music and other freedoms. Musically I sound loud and confusing lyrically, because I try to think about everything I can possibly think about. My world sounds loud and distracting because there are so many possibilities both physically and musically. I want there to be an aspect of all types of music or conflicting ideas in each of these songs on my playlist.

I write sins not tragedies

Feel good inc

Paper Planes



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