Monday, March 21, 2016


This is my final action project for my “Who Am I?” class. This unit was about dreams a very important philosopher named Sigmund Freud. For this action project I created a dreamcatcher based off of a dream that I once had using color and what I decided to put in the middle. I used sued string and a wood loop to make the outside edge to my dream catcher and used wool to do the web of the dreamcatcher. My favorite part of this project was seeing how other people in my class represented their dreams using just color size and materials. I had two problems while making this project. The first was that my computer stop working so I had to finish it on my phone. The second was that I started my hoop too big so my AP took way longer than I wanted it too. I eventually got a new computer, and besides that this AP was pretty fun.

In the center of my dream catcher I have a second dream catcher. A second dream catcher was my choice to put in the center of my dream catcher because I wanted to show how complex my mind is. I want feelings of reassurance to pass through my dreamcatcher since I can feel anxious during the school year. While I sleep the dreams I am have are being controlled by my id , and I don't want my dreams to be filled with messages that I don't want. I chose the colors of white and gold because I wanted to convey mystery so it was a slight reference to a dress that was created recently which was also white and gold but could look black and blue. This element contributed to the dream that I analyzed, which I want those to be filtered by my dream catcher. I made my second dream catcher that I put in the center of first out of green thread because green is favorite color meaning that I'll feel comfortable sleeping with it over my bed.

The dream that I chose that has really affected me was a nightmare when I had it. Here is the story: I woke up on a single mattress in the middle of a room filled with candles. As I was looking around the room I had on thought in mind, “Where are my parents?”. Suddenly I was in a hallway from the house that I was in when I was having this dream. I wandered around the house for a little bit until I found my parents bedroom. When I got in there I saw that my parents were sleeping. I felt an urge to wake them up, and when I did they said good morning in perfect unison. When they said it I noticed something funny, their voices had switched. This made me want to look at them closer and when I did I noticed that their torsos switched as well. When I had this dream I was 9 so this was the point where I started freaking out. I ran to my bed and forced myself to go back to sleep.

If I could go back to that dream, then I would never have gotten out of bed so I wouldn't be traumatized. This dream really changed me because I assumed that it all had to mean something. If this dream was sending me a message or lesson it would be that people in my life are changing.

MJF Dreamcatcher (2016)

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