Friday, June 1, 2018

Health Helps

This is the final action project for my STEAM class called, “Urban Planning”. In this unit we learned about the different ways urban planning can affect a neighborhood and it’s community. One of the things we did in this unit was visit the oldest and newest brown line stops on a field experience. In this action project we had to create a new design for an area that we think can be improved and why they should be. One of my struggles during this action project was focusing on the calculations because I was so focused on the digital design aspect of the project. I ended up deciding to show what I have because I really liked doing the design and I knew I would forget to do the rest of the project. Enjoy my project!

Some of my inspiration came from speakers that we listened to and watched while in school. One of these speakers was named Ellen Dunham-Jones, who talked about the different places that a city should have to be an effective urban area. The first place is your home while the second place is your job or school. One of the most important places though is a place for community in order to speak about issues and successes to keep the urban community functioning. Another speaker named James Howard Kunstler who spoke about the importance of architecture. Architecture is important because it adds beauty and emotion to society through visuals. The last person I want to talk about is Majora Carter. The biggest importance in her opinion about urban planning was about “greening” the area. This means keeping and adding more nature into the city in order to keep the area healthier. With these ideas I was able to easily find the problems and solutions of my neighborhood.

While researching this project I noticed a few problems with my neighborhood. The first issue is that there is not many “third places” or a places to have community in the area. In order to fix this I created a community center where people can have community through religion. There are of course many other ways to have a third place but I know that many people in my area are religious and would most likely want a closer church for their religion. Another decision I made was adding an extension to the 606 that goes down western going North. I thought this would be a good idea since the neighborhood is already pretty nice looking, and there is not enough pathways that take you down western while still keeping a nature aspect. One other thing I changed was adding a gym. I noticed that my neighborhood was lacking in areas to go exercise, so I decided the best place to add would be a gym. Gyms are a great way to stay healthy and having them closer to a neighborhood would motivate people to go more. The last thing I added was a community garden. This is probably the most important thing because organic or fresh food can often be expensive. A community garden can help create a more self sustaining community and help those who can't afford food.

Volume of Community Center
V=pi 7^2 x 20

Rectangular prism
15 x 20 x 10= 3000

V=pi x 10^2 x 10/ 3
V=1000 x pi/3
V= 3141.49

Total volume= 3141.49+3078.76+3000= 9220.25^3

Volume of Whole Foods
Triangular prism 

25 x 20 x 15/2=3750 ft^3

Area of Neighborhood
width = 1,995.02 ft (608.08 m)
height= 1,083.59 ft (330.28 m)
1,995.02 x 1,083.59= 2161783.72 ft^2

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