Friday, December 22, 2017

This Poem is Torture (Revised)

This Poem is Torture
  1. A Prison

After 9/11 something had to be done
Said Bush
Declare war on terror
Build a prison to hold the enemy

Guantanamo Bay
Built to imprison enemies
But used to hurt people
And it hasn't stopped

How is it even possible for our leaders to make so many bad decisions?
They cut deep into our history like surgical incisions

The US thinks it's superior
and treats other countries like they are inferior
And when this happened
America built mixed nationality monster
And this monster was beat down
While America watched

2. The Monster

29% Afghan
17% Saudi
15% Yemeni
9% Pakistani
3% Algerian
Think about what they have in common

Imagine being trapped and attacked
In Guantanamo Bay
it happens every day
They walk through the halls in fear
Others drip with sweat and blood

They kneel at the feet of soldiers
All they see is the pitch blackness that is blankets over them by hoods & masks
Their hands are bound by cuffs
For the guards enough is not enough

Who’s next?

In this scenario it could be you
But a scenario is not always fake
The day Bush let torture take over
He proved nightmares are real

    3. The Executioners

The Monster was already down
But it needed to stay down
So they  kicked them and didn’t stop
The sounds of military boots thudding could be heard  across the world
It was so bad that the UN stated it was against human rights law

And still soldiers beat them until they're raw

Soldiers were built to torture
Programmed to do it without emotion

A prisoner strapped to a bench and held down
Guards pour water in his face
Until he thinks he's drowning
They strip him down
And repeat the process
Make it ice cold this time

Like a child in a time out
The prisoner faces the wall
For days
When that doesn't work
They are taken away
And slammed back against it repeatedly

Prisoners put their hands up
Better not bring them down
They stay like this for days
The pain is so much they can't sleep

Open hand face slaps
Placed in headlocks
struggle but still held still
Executioners get primitive
The Prisoners are slapped in the face
But with an open hand
Another Guard grabs their head and holds it still
Against their will

Prisoners are grabbed
And forced against a wall
So they can take their next punishment
Their shirts lifted up
And They brace for pain
A guard quickly slaps their stomachs
And the prisoner cries out

Prisoners are starved
No food for Prisoners
Well there is “food”
But food is now liquid for them
After dinner they are locked away again
In a small space
For their sake
I hope they finally know their place
Which is to run away
But sadly they can't cause they're trapped
In Guantanamo Bay
This poem is about the problems with Guantanamo Bay and the torture that goes on inside it. For making this poem I tried to focus on the different point of views that people see this issue from. The first chapter "A Prison" was meant to give background to why we started the camp and what was wrong with their reasoning. The second chapter "The Monster" was meant to be seen from the perspective of the prisoners inside the camp. This perspective was meant to show how horrendous it felt to live there. The final chapter "The Executioners" was meant to be from the perspective of the guards that worked there. Even though I don't Focus on a specific thought from the guards I talked about the torture methods that they used against the prisoners.

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