Monday, October 30, 2017

Common Sense?

In this second project for my "Rhetoric" class we created a an art piece that challenges the status quo.  For our project, my partner and I had to create a video that questions the use of both common sense and the Rhetoric of the new Amazon HQ. In this unit we learned about the use of rhetoric in political speeches in order to learn how to inspire others for a cause. Me and my partner came up with the questions for the interviews. My partners job was to edit the different videos while my job was to conduct the actual interview.

My partner and I chose to do the topic about common sense and Amazon's new HQ's because it was a thing . While deciding the topic of our video we thought that there was two options. We thought that we either had to choose common sense or amazon by itself. Then my partner thought about and idea of mixing the two ideas together since we could reinforce the idea of common sense. We chose video as our format because it is a medium that we are familiar with. While making this video we wanted people to think about all the different ideas of common sense there are in the world. Using Amazon as our topic works because it shows how everyone can have different ideas about decisions that they consider common sense. Since everyone is different these differences in opinions can range from being small to very large. In the process of making this video, we tried to focus this video towards the viewers logos and ethos. Logos is demonstrated when we give the interviewees the facts and let them think about the situation. Afterwards we use lead the viewer to think about ethos suggesting that not everyone has to have the same thought process. Our video is supposed to make the viewer understand that they have a unique decision making process. Amazon’s new headquarters is supposed to be able to supply up to 50,000 jobs and cost $5 billion to build. 238 cities throughout the continent have already proposed an offer to Amazon in order to be chosen as the new host of their second HQ.  The average salary of a worker at the Amazon HQ would be over $100,000.  I think that it makes sense for the artwork to be shown as an ad on Youtube so people would have to choose whether or not they want to watch it. This would mean that the viewer is curious and may possibly reflect on the message of our video. I chose to show the specific interviewees because of their differences, just to show the spectrum on how much contrast there is when it comes to thinking about common sense. Each of the interviewees had their own opinion about what amazon and chicago should do about the new headquarters being built. This perfectly proves the point that my partner and I are trying to convey by showing the differences in thought. Another thing we had to think about was whether or not they should be interviewed together. We thought this might work because it would show how common sense is created when everyone argues their side until they all agree. It was decided against because we wanted to make sure no one changed their initial opinion before stating it. This was the better decision because it helps the viewer focus on just the differences instead of confusing it with everyone changing their mind. Overall I think the video conveyed our point by dividing the similarities but more especially the differences between people’s thought process when it comes to the topic of common sense.

During this project my partner and I struggled with time and content. When we were making this action project we thought we would have more time to interview different people for  our project. Since we didn’t have as much time as we thought, we had less people to interview. In order to solve this issue we had to use less content and accept that we couldn’t get enough people in our interview. The biggest thing I took out of this action project was that it’s unrealistic to believe that common sense is actually common.  I enjoyed making this action project because there are so many different backgrounds that can change a person's view of any topic.

Works Cited

Amazon sent cities into a frenzy when it announced plans to build a second headquarters. “The city Amazon picks for its second headquarters will change forever.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, 27 Oct. 17ADAD, 9:14

“Amazon HQ2 Will Likely Be One of These Six Cities.” Fortune, Fortune, 18 Oct. 2017,

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