Friday, January 15, 2016

Hats 'N Coats

In my last unit of Rapid Prototyping, we learned about ma. For my final Action Project, the class and I were looking at any needs for our school’s new building. On our last field experience we went to the Rebuilding Exchange where we met Bryant Williams. While we were being toured we wrote some quotes that he said down. The quote that stood out to me was when he said”To make this work a we have to teach them about deconstruction”. If I’m honest It would have to agree with his statement,  He was referring to those that are in the construction area of work, but realistically you probably know about deacons While I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do for my project I used Ikea If you have ever heard of life hacks then you might notice this website has a lot of them. Ikea hackers basically has projects that you can work on that can make your life easier. While in thier website I saw a cool hat and coat rack and went off of that. I am very happy with the way it turned out. I am very pleased that it looks modern and unique, unlike my original idea. The piece was super easy to make and only took a total of one hour to make. I built my coat rack in the James Dyson Design and Engineer Lab. The only drawback of this project were that it wasn’t as sturdy as I hoped. There were wasn’t too many safety issues, while working on my project.  The only safety hazard I had was making sure i didn’t slip with the screwdriver and impale myself.I just had to make sure I was focused on what I was doing as I was doing. If I were to give some pointers to another person they would be:

  • Make sure you document all of your project
  • Get your materials as early as possible
  • Try to use power tools to make your life easier
  • Add cool designs to the project
  • Put a piece of yourself in your project

This action project was easier in the beginning but as the deadline started approaching I got a little rushed. Luckily I got back on track and I’m happy to say my project is complete. My favorite part the project was the design part, since there was so many possibilities. While making the time lapse I looked up how the time lapse works. So basically the camera calculated one frame per second for the entire time I was working.. I made a twenty second time-lapse to show how I constructed my project. I used a lot of torque since I was the screwdriver a lot. But I did use leverage to get the screws in place using a hammer.

See my instructable for instructions on how to make my coat and hat rack.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Headphone Life

This is my third and final action project for my Biomimicry class. This unit was about different kinds of consumers, but more specifically decomposers.  For this action project I looked at a product I use every day and looked up it's "life cycle". I also looked at the materials it's made of, and the life cycle of them to. After that I figured out ways to make the product more eco-friendly so it decomposes better.  My favorite part of this project was making the timeline of my product. I actually wasted about ten minutes on it, because I drew the dinosaur too big and I put way too much detail in it. I still had fun doing it.