Friday, January 19, 2018


This is my action project for my STEAM class called "Rocket Science". In this class we learned about aerodynamics, and of course we learned about science behind rockets. When making this AP we used all of our knowledge to make bottle rockets. The goal was to see how high we could make the rockets go. There were different ways we could make our rockets go "higher" without  actually increasing thrust, since we based our information on how long it was in the air. For example I tried to make mine work better by making it glide in the air with bigger wings, while others used parachutes.

This Poem is Torture ( Final Edit)

DSC_0050 from M Finklea on Vimeo.

Artist's Statement

The topic of my poem was about Guantanamo Bay, and the torture that goes on inside it. It’s an important topic to think about, because it’s not talked about as much as it was closer to the events of 9/11. The reason why Guantanamo Bay is important to me is because in my opinion torture is worse than death. In my opinion, if proven to guilty then a criminal it’s at least ethical to take control of the criminals life in order to save others. But it seems unethical to abuse that control and use it to hurt others both mentally and physically.

Whilst writing my poem I decided that I wanted to include a good amount of allusion since Guantanamo Bay was the product of a very important moment in history. Another poetic device I knew I needed to use was lots of imagery because I really wanted the reader to see from the perspective of those who were taken away and thrown into prison. I also knew that I wouldn’t want too much connotation, because the story that I wanted to tell would be too open for outside thought. One of my favorite poetic devices is wordplay, since the english language is so complicated. Even though I really like wordplay I wasn’t able to fit it in.

While making this video I wanted to focus on the final chapter of my poem with hand gestures and facial expressions. I tried to make a certain effect in the audience by slowly growing in intensity. Even though I wanted to start off slowly during the performance I couldn't help but overdue some parts. I ended up rushing at the beginning. At the end I used hand gestures like putting my hands up like a criminal and lifting up my shirt to get tortured. Overall I'm pretty happy with my poem and my performance.